শনিবার, ২২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫
  • সোশ্যাল প্ল্যাটফর্ম:
Verified আই নিউজ বিডি ডেস্ক
প্রকাশ ০৯/০১/২০২৫ ০১:৫৭পি এম

"The Constitution is No One’s Property!" – Sarjis Alam’s Explosive Comment

"The Constitution is No One’s Property!" – Sarjis Alam’s Explosive Comment
Sarjis Alam, the chief organizer of the National Citizens' Committee and the executive director of the July Shaheed Memorial Foundation, recently made an explosive comment through a post stating, "The constitution is no one's property." He made this remark on his verified Facebook page on Wednesday.

Alam claimed that the idea of burying the 1972 Constitution is unacceptable and shared a screenshot highlighting statements made by the children of the members of the Constitution Drafting Committee of 1972. According to him, "The grandchildren of the freedom fighters, who were once given special privileges based on hereditary and bloodline status, are now seen standing in favor of the Mujibist constitution in the same way the descendants of the members of the 1972 Constitution Drafting Committee are today."

Sarjis Alam further noted, "This committee, which drafted the 1972 constitution, had a mandate to draft Pakistan’s constitution, as they were elected based on that." Through his post, he has raised an important historical perspective, bringing forth a crucial question to the nation.

These comments have sparked widespread discussions across the country, initiating political and constitutional debates.

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